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Words have power. There is value in each word we use. Society assigns the value of words, particularly vulgarity. Profanity, or any foul language, is used for effect. And that effect can be achieved through other words, but some people do not realize it, some do not possess the vocabulary to achieve the same effect. Persons who use foul language, the extent of use, or those who refrain, depend largely on whether one is a woman, man, lady or gentleman. A gentleman and a lady is a quality of a man and woman. And then there are uncouth people. Let’s examine each.

A typical man will use foul language casually, as if it is acceptable. But a man should never use foul language in the presence of women or children; p e r i o d! Men who wish to exhibit proper etiquette will try to be on his P’s & Q’s and guard himself in the presence of women and children. It is an effort, a job, which has degrees of difficulty. Some don’t try hard, some don’t try at all. A man should not use foul language in the presence of strangers, male or female. Is casual you should be limited to male friends and peer relatives.

A gentleman will never use foul language in the presence of women and children, nor male strangers. And it is no effort. Rather natural, second nature. That is class, sophistication, manners, poise, etc., which a gentleman embodies. He will only sparingly, if ever, use foul language around his close friends and close relatives; and as a necessity to punctuate a point, not just to be loose. His vocabulary allows him many ways to reach the desired effect without foul language. Many gentleman abstain completely. Gentleman are Paragons and personify rectitude.

A woman, lady or not, should never use foul language; p e r i o d! If a woman chooses to use it, it must never be in the presence of children, strangers, associates, acquaintances nor most relatives. It’s use should be sparing, and only around best friends and one or two peer, close relatives home are as best friends. That’s it. And as a necessity to make a point at select times; not casually. The standard of expectation is higher for women semicolon similar to that of a gentleman, but a tad bit higher.

A lady will never use foul language around anyone, with possibly one or two exceptions. One or two best friends; that’s it, if then. P e r i o d! Not around her man, except maybe in a sexual context and moment. A lady’s standard is noticeably higher than a gentleman’s.

And then there are uncouth people, male and female, who use foul language constantly. UNCOUTH says it all. Steer clear of them.

Men and women are not equal. All women should aspire to be a lady. The respect you receive from men usually is dictated by how you carry yourself. And all men should aspire to be a

gentleman. There are no excuses for failing to exhibit some degree of class and proper etiquette. So practice doing what is right, and lead by example for children and others.

© 2010

© Paragon CUT, LLC


Three ingredients:

  •  A goal. Clearly defined.
  • Identifying all steps to reach the goal; knowing what they entail.
  • Willingness to complete each step, and determination to reach the goal.

Everyone has goals; some clearly defined, some not.

Most people know some or none of number two, but not all.

Some people have number two, but not number three.

Some people have number three, but not number two.

Few people have number two and number three.

If you have (or get) all three, you maximize your chances for success.

© 2010

© Paragon CUT, LLC


Without it we would die of misery

With it we often find ourselves miserable

We always want to control it

But often it’s out of control

It brings out our best

And drags out our worst

Such a priceless emotion

Yet some pay their lives for it

Some attempt to sell it on a corner

Or in the privacy of their bedrooms

An emotion so infinite

But are jealousy attempts to restrict it

It’s so strong and durable

Hence we use it and abuse it

It breathes life into relationships

And at times suffocates them, too

It has a mind of its own

Sometimes causing us to lose our own

It brings us joy and happiness

Sometimes sorrow and depression

We exploit it to bring new life

And sometimes to ruin an existing one


© 2002

© December 27, 2002

© Paragon CUT, LLC

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