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Welcome to Paragon CUT Books

It’s a pleasure to meet you this way. Why? Because you are one of the smartest people in society. How so? Well, you were smart enough and wise enough to acknowledge to yourself (and maybe others) that you lack specific information, and made the effort to obtain it by putting this book into your possession.  
Do you know how many people refuse to try, to seek, to gather the information they need and want? Many will not even admit to themselves, much less others, that they need the info, and continue without in ignorance, and without success.   
But You made the effort to seek and obtain the secrets, the keys, the recipe for success in the dating game,  you got this highly valuable “FORMULA”. This FORMULA will be good for years to come.     
 You are my kind of reader:  One who seeks success. You want to have an edge and advantage over others. Great! I always say, “Successful people do all the things which unsuccessful people fail to do!”
This book is special to me; took a long time to finally write. I am sharing some very valuable information that everyone needs to know, especially women and teenage girls, especially teenage boys and girls. But this info is valuable to men, too. Trust me, all will benefit. Men will love the book as much as women. But my motivation for writing it, my main concern is women, especially the youth.    
This book will teach virtually everything you need to know to be successful in the dating game. Yes, it is a game. Those who know the rules will do better than those who do not. Those who know and understand the rules well and how to apply them will do even better. Those who have this FORMULA will achieve the greatest level of success. You will be armed with all you need to know to win. Knowing is only part of the recipe for winning. You must correctly apply the FORMULA.    
I always say, “Knowledge without application is retarded!” That saying that “knowledge is power,” is not complete. The power is in the application. If you have the information, but do not apply it, that is retarded, and there is no power.
I am sharing so much insight. I am covering points you never heard. Some you have, but not in enough detail for you to completely grasp, absorb, digest and then be able to apply. Sometimes you hear something, but not well enough for it to be in good focus. I will bring all into sharp focus.  
Everything I share is what I would share with and teach my own daughters and sons.
Trust me when I tell you, the FORMULA is an excellent must-have resource for both genders and all ages. A 40-year old mother will learn many things she wishes she had when a teenager. After reading this FORMULA, she will become a better player in the game at 40, and counting, and be better able to teach her children. Teenagers will learn more than most adults know, and play the game with exceptional confidence and skill.  
Have you heard the saying, “It is not what you say, but how you say it!”?   Delivery is critical, so that the message registers clearly. But the message itself is equally important.   
This book is NOT an uptight, boring, yet informative read. No! This book is written in a way to be informative and entertaining in a contemporary fashion. It will be hard to put down, and you will likely read it twice and often re-read certain chapters as needed, like the “Bible of Dating and Relationships”.  
Imagine hanging out, socializing with your close friends in the den or bedroom or garage, just having a relaxing good time, and then someone says, “Hey, this Brother is coming by to share some valuable insights and game on dating”. That is the tone, the vibe, the mindsight I have as I write. Loose, relaxing, informal, and very entertaining. I am known as a very no-nonsense and serious guy, but I do have a great sense of humor. Heck, I am a comedian. Some people say I am too serious, but do admit I am very funny.  I will have people cracking up, and you will see that in the book.     
In sharing anecdotes and giving examples and scenarios, I do it in a way that will make you laugh; laugh a lot and say, “That is so true.”    
How many times have you read a “how to” book on how to do something, and it did not cover every topic on the subject? And the topics it did cover was not nearly detailed enough? The books generalize too much, etc.. I have experienced that countless times, including and especially books on relationships. I hate that so-called “gurus” who have insufficient experience to even speak on the subject are  writing a book on it.    
I made sure I covered far more topics than other dating books. In fact, I do not think I missed a worthy topic.  If I did, a reader will tell me, and I will add it to my revision.  I go into far more detail than ALL other books. The table of contents is the clue for every book. Some tables are not descriptive enough. When you read my table, you will see how there are so many chapters on very specific aspects of dating and relationships. Your reactions will be, “Wow, I need to know that!”  “Oh my god, that is a good one!”  “Oh my god, I have been wanting to know about that!” “My mama (or brother or sister) told me about that, but not thoroughly  enough.” “I heard about that, but did not get the full scoop, and was too embarrassed to ask questions, pretending I knew, faked it for years and was “played” or “hurt” as a result!” “I never heard of that nor considered it!”   
See for yourself right now. Take a glance at the table of contents, read all chapter titles. Go ahead, I will wait a couple of minutes for you. My phone is ringing, anyway.
“Hello! Hey, how are you doing? Glad to hear it. I missed hearing your voice… Actually, I am busy writing this book, but I have a minute. My reader just took a minute to look at the table of contents… My reader is back, can I call you back later tonight?… I promise… Thank you for calling and making my day…
So how was it? Did I not speak the truth? Okay, let me continue.  
Everyone as a youth in their first years of dating go through a lot of trial and error, hurt, broken hearts, broken promises and more. And most of us continue these bad experiences for years to come. Thirty-years old and still having dating woes.   We are supposed to rely on our parents and elders to teach us the ins and outs before we enter the dating game. But in most cases, it does not happen. The most basic reasons:
  • Parents themselves don’t know, so how can they inform?
  • Parents don’t teach early/soon enough. They feel the child is too young to date, therefore don’t need the information yet.
  • Parents are too busy, don’t spend enough time teaching. There is so much to teach; just let you learn a little at a time.     These are wrong reasons to not teach, and the child ventures out in ignorance.  Obviously, if the parents don’t know, they can’t teach! Parents are usually in denial about when their children start dating. A child  learning the dating game in bits and pieces creates a disadvantaged player.  Learning as you go while playing the game will only cause problems. With a game so complex, you want to know almost everything, if not everything,  before you start playing. So it does take know-how and correct timing, and time to cover all information.
Well, for all those adults who don’t know it all, and all the youth who are neglected, The OFFICIAL DATING FORMULA will get the job done.
Before we start, be prepared. Always have a highlighter or bright color pen so you can highlight things, or write * (stars) next to paragraphs of importance, or underline, etc. Take a piece of 8×11 sheet of blank paper, fold it in half and keep it in the book. Use it as a bookmark to hold your place. But mostly, to write questions of which you think as you read; questions to ask others, for discussion with others, or to email or write me. Yes, I will make time to respond to the most unique, most important and most frequently asked questions. I will post them on the website’s Q&A/FAQ, and update it. I will use the most interesting or important ones in my revised edition, and list the name and city of the person who submitted the question, with his/her permission. There will be more benefits and rewards for readers who participate in the process. There will be seminars and workshops on occasion, speaking engagements  at schools and universities, organizations, domestic abuse shelters, etc., I want to fully educate all.

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