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Welcome to Paragon CUT Books

     What will this book do for you? Good question. Here’s the simple answer.

  1. Raise the level of your dating game. Tighten up your game. Increase your level. And do so dramatically.
  1. Level the playing field between genders.
  1. Maximize your odds of finding a compatible mate to marry.
  1. Prevent heart breaks, wasting your time, wasting your money, etc..

Right now, the power dynamic is this: when dating, the woman usually has all the power. She has what the man wants. He is pursuing her. But once she is caught  (surrenders), the power shifts to the man. Having the power, he is in position to control most aspects of the relationship. We all know how power can be abused. And some men do just that:  mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, etc..  Suppress and/or oppress.

Well, I will not only raise your game level, but in fact, I will also level the playing field, so that…

Let’s say 1 to 10, women’s/girls’ game level is a 3, and men’s/boys’ is a 4. After reading the ODF, both genders will be even at an 8 or higher.

If you correctly apply the formula outlined in this book, you will maximize your odds of success. I virtually guarantee you will find a compatible mate in a reasonable period of time.

The even greater benefit is if you follow the formula correctly, you will easily avoid the wrong mates by easily identifying them quickly; thereby saving yourself time, money, and heartbreak. You WILL see results!

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